The power of flashcards

Have you ever heard about the forgetting curve?

The forgetting curve, a concept introduced by German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus, illustrates how quickly we tend to forget information if we don't actively review it.

For example, if you learn a French phrase and don't review it, chances are high that you'll soon forget it.

Combat Forgetting with Spaced Repetition

French Together uses a Spaced Repetition System (SRS) to tackle this problem.

How does it work?

Simple: when you complete a lesson, all the phrases you've learned are converted into flashcards. The SRS then calculates the best time for you to review these flashcards, ensuring you do so before you're likely to forget them.

This method effectively transfers vocabulary from your short-term to long-term memory, saving you from spending hours revisiting old lessons.

2 Modes of Review in French Together

  1. Smart Review

    • Uses the SRS algorithm to schedule reviews of flashcards based on your memory performance.

    • Flashcards you recall correctly will appear less frequently, while those you struggle with will show up more often, tailoring the learning experience to your needs.

    • Ideal for starting your learning journey as it prioritizes phrases that you need to review the most.

  2. Hands-Free Review

    • Involves reviewing 40 random flashcards from completed lessons without requiring user input for progression.

    • Perfect for multitasking, like exercising or doing chores, as it doesn't require active responses.

    • Your performance in this mode doesn’t affect the Smart Review algorithm. That's why I recommend doing your Smart Review first so the algorithm can keep track of your memory and optimize your learning.

In addition to these 2 review modes, you can also see lots of useful information about your flashcards on the dashboard, including:

  • The cards's next review date

  • The date of the last review

  • How well you know the card

You can also listen to the card's pronunciation and remove it if you don't want it to appear again.

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